Beth Schillig
Contemporary Quilted Artwork

23"w X 24"h
In 2007 I took an online class with Marilyn Belford on creating fabric portraits. This was fairly early in the "online class" experience. It took an amazing amount of time, but I loved the process.
Each week Marilyn would post instructions, there were no videos or Zoom calls at that time. We would email digital pics of our progress and she would give us feedback. I was extremely pleased with the class and my finished work.
I used one shaded fabric for all the background sections. A large single piece was behind the portrait. Then smaller cut up sections were pieced together to form the frame or border of the quilt.
To me this represented the subtle shadings and fragments of a mind slowly destroyed by Alzheimers Disease.
My mother and Alzheimers had a major impact on my career as a quilter. I share more details on that in my bio section/About section of the website.